Wednesday, January 30, 2013

CZT Hideaway 2013 - Register Now!

Angie Gamble and I first met in March, 2011, at Carole Ohl’s Floatfest Re-Treat, before I ever thought about becoming a CZT. It only took that weekend for me to get hooked on this whole Zentangle thing and I was also lucky enough to find a new friend, too. So it seems very appropriate that the idea for our follow-up to the Floatfest Re-Treat would sprout in the car ride home from Dayton, Ohio, where we took a beading class from Carole at her new store, The Bead Stash.

We talked a lot about how much we enjoyed Floatfest and what made it so special. We soon came to the conclusion that we would want to emphasize "the teacher not the teaching" at our retreat. Thus, CZT Hideaway 2013 was launched. Yes, we'll have classes and planned activities, but mostly we'll be learning from each other through examples and informal demonstrations. In the spirit of what Carole did at Floatfest, we want to focus on the relaxation and rejuvenating aspects of Zentangle.

So many of the CZT events we see try to put so many classes, etc. into the least amount of time that they seem very busy and almost overwhelming. We want our retreat (and we use this term purposefully) to be about rediscovering some of the basic tenets of Zentangle - "being in the moment"...'finding our inner creativity"..."one stroke at a time".

So many of us have become so focused on scheduling classes and building our business; we want our participants to come focus on themselves in order to re-energize and renew the excitement we felt when we experienced our CZT training. Just as we encourage using the finest materials to create our Zentagles, our students (and our Zentangles!) deserve the finest teachers/creators - we must take care of ourselves!

Read more about CZT Hideaway 2013 and/or get a registration form at:  We hope you'll join us - YOU DESERVE IT!

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